Halide precursors

Hafnium Tetrachloride HfCl4

  • Melting point 432°C (vapor pressure 44.4 atm)

  • Sublimation temperature 315°C (1 atm)

  • Condensed phase density 3.86 g/cm3 (at 25°C)

  • Molar mass 320.3 g/mol

Saturated vapor pressure.

# T -- temperature, C # P -- saturated vapor pressure, Pa # Thermochimica acta 244 (1994): 249-256. if 125 <= T <= 227: P = 10 ** (13.64 - 5112/ (T + 273.15)) # P -- saturated vapor pressure # The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 62(3), 319-322. if 190 <= T <= 400: P = 10**(11.712 - 5197.0/(T + 273.15))

HfCl<sub>4</sub> saturated vapor pressure

Hafnium Tetraiodide HfI4

  • CAS Registry Number: 13777-23-6

  • Molar mass: 686.11 g/mol

Saturated vapor pressure.

# T -- temperature, C # P -- saturated vapor pressure, Torr # Stevenson, F. D., Wicks, C. E., & Block, F. E. (1963) # gamma-solid if 372 <= T <= 405: P = 10 ** (12.13 - 6173/(T + 273.15)) # beta-solid if 325 <= T <= 372: P = 10 ** (13.97 - 7360/(T + 273.15)) # alpha-solid if 302 <= T <= 324: P = 10 ** (19.56 - 10700/(T + 273.15))

HfI<sub>4</sub> saturated vapor pressure


  1. Stevenson, F. D., Wicks, C. E., & Block, F. E. (1963). Vapor pressure of tungsten (VI) chloride and hafnium (IV) iodide by a metal diaphragm technique (No. BM-RI-6367). Bureau of Mines, Albany, OR (USA). Albany Metallurgy Research Center.

  2. Tangri, R. P., and D. K. Bose. "Vapour pressure measurement of zirconium chloride and hafnium chloride by the transpiration technique." Thermochimica acta 244 (1994): 249-256.

  3. Palko, A. A., Ryon, A. D., & Kuhn, D. W. (1958). The vapor pressures of zirconium tetrachloride and hafnium tetrachloride. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 62(3), 319-322.