Iridium Hexafluoride IrF6
CAS Registry Number: 7783-75-7
Molar mass: 306.207 g/mol
Boiling point: 53.6°C
Triple point: 43.8°C, 518.8 Torr
Saturated vapor pressure.
# T -- temperature, C
# P -- saturated vapor pressure, Torr
# J. Chem. Soc., 1961, 1563-1568
if 44 <= T <= 54:
P = 10 ** (7.952 - 1656.5 / (T + 273.15))
if 0.4 <= T <= 44:
P = 10 ** (8.618 - 1867.5 / (T + 273.15))
if -50 < T < 0.4:
P = 10 ** (10.0 - 2245.7 / (T + 273.15))
- George H. Cady and George B. Hargreaces, The Vapour Pressures of Some Heavy Transition-metal Hexafluorides. J. Chem. Soc., 1961, 1563-1568 https://doi.org/10.1039/JR9610001563