Halide precursors
Rhenium Hexaftoride ReF6
CAS Registry Number: 10049-17-9
Molar mass: 300.197 g/mol
Boiling point: 33.8°C
Triple point: 18.7°C, 436.5 Torr
Saturated vapor pressure.
# T -- temperature, C
# P -- saturated vapor pressure, Torr
# J. Chem. Soc., 1961, 1563-1568
if 19.0 <= T <= 33.8:
P = 10 ** (7.732 - 1489.1/(T + 273.15))
if -1.9 <= T <= 18.0:
P = 10 ** (8.539 - 1724.7/(T + 273.15))
if -50 <= T <= -1.9:
P = 10 ** (10.11 - 2151.2/(T + 273.15))
Organic precursors
Rhenium carbonyl Ni2(CO)10
Saturated vapor pressure.
# T -- temperature, C
# P -- saturated vapor pressure, Torr
# V.G. Syrkin. Chemistry and Technology of Carbonyl Metals
P = 10 ** (10.68 - 4152 / (T + 273.15))
V.G. Syrkin. Chemistry and Technology of Carbonyl Metals. Moscow, Chemistry 1972. [in Russian]
George H. Cady and George B. Hargreaces, The Vapour Pressures of Some Heavy Transition-metal Hexafluorides. J. Chem. Soc., 1961, 1563-1568 doi:10.1039/JR9610001563