
Ammonia NH3

  • Melting point: -77.75°C

  • Boiling point: -33.42°C

  • Critical temperature: 132.3°C

  • Critical pressure: 11.3 MPa

  • Molar mass: 17.03 g/mol

NH<sub>3</sub> saturated vapor pressure

Hydrazine N2H4

  • Melting point: 2°C

  • Boiling point: 113.5°C

  • Condensed phase density: 1.008g/cm3 (at 20°C)

  • Molar mass: 32.05 g/mol N<sub>2</sub>H<sub>4</sub> saturated vapor pressure


  1. Stull, D. R. (1947). Inorganic compounds. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 39(4), 540-550.

  2. Scott, D. W., Oliver, G. D., Gross, M. E., Hubbard, W. N., & Huffman, H. M. (1949). Hydrazine: Heat capacity, heats of fusion and vaporization, vapor pressure, entropy and thermodynamic functions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 71(7), 2293-2297.