Halide precursors

Tantalum Pentafluoride TaF5

  • Melting point: 95.1°C

  • Boiling point: 229.2°C

  • Condensed phase density: 4.98 g/cm3 (at 15°C), 3.88 g/cm3 (at melting point)

  • Molar mass: 275.9 g/mol

Saturated vapor pressure.

# T -- temperature, C
# P -- saturated  vapor pressure, Torr
# Fairbrother, F., & Frith, W. C. (1951) Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed), 3051-3056.
if 95.1 <= T <= 229.2:
    P = 10 ** ( 8.524 - 2834 / (T + 273.15))

TaF<sub>5</sub> saturated vapor pressure

Tantalum Pentachloride TaCl5

  • CAS Registry Number: 7721-01-9

  • Melting point: 216.5°C

  • Boiling point: 236°C

  • Condensed phase density: 3.68 g/cm3 (at 28°C), 2.68 g/cm3 (at melting point)

  • Molar mass: 358.2 g/mol

Saturated vapor pressure.

# T -- temperature, C
# P -- saturated  vapor pressure, Torr
# Fairbrother, The Chemistry of Niobium and Tantalum, 1967
if  140 <= T <= 175:
    P = 10 ** (13.36-5240  / (T + 273.15))
if  175 <= T <= 220:
    P = 10 ** (12.42-4820  / (T + 273.15))
if  220 <= T <= 240:
    P = 10 ** ( 8.68-2970 / (T + 273.15))

TaCl<sub>5</sub> saturated vapor pressure

Tantalum Pentabromide TaBr5

  • Melting point: 280°C

  • Boiling point: 348.8°C

Saturated vapor pressure.

# T -- temperature, C
# P -- saturated  vapor pressure, Torr
# Fairbrother, The Chemistry of Niobium and Tantalum, 1967

if  200 \<= T \<= 280:
  P = 10 ** ( 12.42 - 5630 / (T + 273.15))
if  280 \<= T \<= 348.8:
  P = 10 ** (8.11 - 3260  / (T + 273.15))

TaBr<sub>5</sub> saturated vapor pressure


  1. Fairbrother, F., Grundy, K. H., & Thompson, A. (1965). 121. The halides of niobium and tantalum. Part VIII. The densities, viscosities, and self-ionisation of niobium and tantalum pentafluorides. Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed), 761-765.

  2. Fairbrother, F., & Frith, W. C. (1951). 675. The halides of niobium (columbium) and tantalum. Part III. The vapour pressures of niobium (columbium) and tantalum pentafluorides. Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed), 3051-3056.

  3. Alexander, K. M., & Fairbrother, F. (1949). S 48. The halides of columbium (niobium) and tantalum. Part I. The vapour pressures of columbium (niobium) and tantalum pentachlorides and pentabromides. Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed), S223-S227.

  4. Fairbrother, The Chemistry of Niobium and Tantalum, 1967

  5. H. Schafer, W. Loose, B. Monheim, Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 522 (1985) 99-107