Halide precursors

Zirconium Tetrachloride ZrCl4

  • Melting point: 437°C (21.8 atm)

  • Sublimation temperature: 315°C (1 atm)

  • Condensed phase density: 2.8g/cm3 (at 25°C)

  • Molar mass: 233.04 g/mol

# T -- temperature, C # P -- saturated vapor pressure, Pa # Thermochimica acta 244 (1994): 249-256. if 130 <= T <= 245: P = 10 ** ( 13.51 -5164.95 / (T + 273.15))

ZrCl<sub>4</sub> saturated vapor pressure


  1. Tangri, R. P., and D. K. Bose. "Vapour pressure measurement of zirconium chloride and hafnium chloride by the transpiration technique." Thermochimica acta 244 (1994): 249-256.